A dropdown list selects between multiple selections. It displays the current state and a down/up arrow. Available states may be shown as a list of strings, a palette, or icons, for example.
When a user interacts with the dropDown, a menu can appear over, under or below the drop down list and displays the possible states. Pressing a state dismisses the menu if the selection is single and updates the button to display this new state.
Scrolling within the dropdown behaves the same way a menu scrolls.
The generic overflow MultiSplitButton displays an arrow by default. When the button is pressed, the menu appears. Pressing an option on the menu navigates to further settings for that option.
Normal |
Disabled |
smartMultiSplitButton has a number of opening directions but the most popular are "bottom", "overlay-center" and "top".
Bottom |
Overlay-center |
Top |
smartMultiSplitButton has a variaty of selection modes allowing single or multiple item selection.
Additional selection modes are "zeroOrOne", "OneOrMany", "zeroOrMany" and "none"
MultiSplitButtones are controls that are used for making a selection from a list of options.